24 April 2011

Gen 1 Chapter 5: Romance at last!

Trixi here!

Have I mentioned how much I like to read?

Life has been pretty boring lately. I hardly have time to do much more than go to work, eat and sleep! I've even been neglecting my writing and my painting.

In an effort to mix things up a little, I decided to go to the library after work one night. I usually end up reading at home, anyway, and this way I could find some new books! It worked out great and I was able to finish reading another book... that makes eleven!

I decided that I'd better work a little on "Bite Me" after work, too. I didn't get much done before heading to bed, but every little bit helps.

I had to get the dishwasher repaired, again. I swear that thing isn't work the money I spent on it! The repair man had a cute butt, though...

I suddenly decided that I needed to talk to VJ... and I've never even met him before! Have you ever seen "Practical Magic"? There's a part in there where Sally just has to run to town and meet her future husband... it was very much like that. I had no idea where VJ lived to worked, but I decided on a whim to look for him at the park. Sure enough, there he was!

We hit it off right away! I wanted to ask him his sign and found out that he's a Gemini (which is compatible with my Sagittarius!).

We talked for hours. I found out that he works at my favorite bookstore! Small world, eh? It's so nice to chat with someone who loves books as much as I do.

After getting to know each other a little more (I found out that he can be a bit of a snob...), I plucked up the courage to ask him if he's seeing anyone. Guess what... he's single! Could he be any more perfect for me? I hope we can become good friends. (And maybe more???)

I had to head off to work all too soon... I considered blowing off work to stay with VJ, but I really can't afford to put my job in jeopardy. The next morning, I worked on my cooking skills by making pancakes... check out this flip!

I was in the mood for some fun so I decided to watch my favorite channel on tv... the cooking channel, of course! Two birds with one stone, you know.

It worked out great, too. When I got to work that afternoon I was promoted to Ingredient Taster! It came with a nice bonus and everything.

After work, I spend another evening in the library. I love being surrounded by all of those books.

I settled in for some quality reading and was thrilled to realize that I've now read twelve books! I'm considering going for 20, but I'm not sure. I've already read all of the books I have at home so it would mean trips to the book store or library on a regular basis. Not that I would mind that.

I've been neglecting my painting practice long enough so I made sure to put in a little canvas time. I think I'm getting better, but I still have a long way to go! I've made a goal of working on that more regularly.

A/N: Kind of a boring chapter, but I think she's in for some excitement now that she's rolling more social wishes. I had to give up on Dustin and ditch her wish to become good friends with him. I just couldn't get him to come over, which had to be some kind of glitch, and he wouldn't hang around her long enough to get the interactions when she visited him. Maybe things will go better with VJ- who really was out of the blue. She rolled a wish to chat with him and he wasn't even in her acquaintances list! It was also weird that he was just standing there in the park waiting for her. 


  1. I love it when they finally start wishing to talk to other sims!! :)

    I hope things progress with them!

  2. I know! It gets pretty repetitive when they don't want to talk to anyone. (Or, the person they want to talk to doesn't ever respond.)

  3. It's fate!! I've always liked VJ, I'm sure it's the hair. =)

    It's also so funny, her obsession with reading! "Have I mentioned I like to read?" Haha!

    1. I have a real soft spot for VJ, even with everything that happened between him and Trixi. I was just so happy when she started rolling wishes that didn't involve reading!

  4. Trixie likes the bad boys then? At least he'll be better than a married man lol! Trixie and her book obsession ... it's like looking in a mirror :)

    1. Her book obsession really was challenging to make interesting... how many pictures of her reading do people really want to see? (Not that it stopped me from posting a lot of them, she just didn't do much else for a while!)

      Ahhh... VJ. Trixi didn't know she had a thing for bad boys, but she's going to find out!

  5. Yay, VJ! He's one of my favorite SV sims. :)
