01 April 2011

Gen 1 Chapter 1: Introductions

Hi! I'm Beatrix Hodgins! My friends sometimes call me Trixi. They also call me a hopeless romantic, but I like to think of myself as hopeful!

I'm just starting out on my own and have decided to be a writer. Not just any write, of course, an "illustrious author"! To that end, I've moved into a beach front bungalow to eek out a living as a starving writer. Maybe I should take up drinking, too... isn't that what all of the tortured artists do?

My new house is much bigger than I need, but I'm hoping to have a family one day and it will be easy to remodel it to add extra rooms!

I've alwasy been a bit of a bookwork, which I suppose goes well with my interest in writing. I am constantly in search of new books to read and can think of no better way to pass the day than curled up with a good book.

In order to fulfull my wish to become an illustrious author, I'm learning how to paint. It's not really my strong suit, but I can almost paint things that are recognizable now so I think I'll eventually gain some skill as an painter.

I'm hard at work on my first novel. I call it "Fifty Ways".

I'm a Sagittarius, if you're into that kind of thing. I love to cook but tend to be a little clumsy outside of the kitchen! I hope you stop by my story again...

A/N: I cheated (just a little) and moved my new character in with my "test run" family... then I used their money to rebuild the house and moved them all out. Not sure if that's exactly following the rules but I'm not using any of the extra money for living expenses, I just got her a free house! So she's starting out with around $15,000 of her own money.


  1. Trixi is really pretty!!

    I think you're off to a great start! :)

    About the money thing, I *think* it's okay to initially start out with however much money you like, but once you start playing, money cheats are off limits.

  2. Thanks!

    I think the money thing is ok, too. She's living within her paycheck, anyway.

    I really love the way Trixi came out. And she's lots of fun to write!

  3. Oooh, I like Trixie!
    Just now getting to read your Wishacy. *sorry* Real life has been cuh-razy!

  4. It's actually been pretty fun so far!

  5. Nice character introduction! I like the line, "Maybe I should take up drinking, too... isn't that what all of the tortured artists do?" Great character building.

  6. I like stories written in 1st person, they feel so personal!

    Looking forward to catching up on trixie and the clan's journey!

    1. Thanks! I actually started reading your legacy a couple of days ago and I'm almost to the end of Chapter 1, but I don't catch up nearly as fast as you do!

  7. I've just started reading this and it takes me a while to catch up but I wanted to say that I like what you've done so far and I can't wait to see where this goes. Also, thanks for adding a link to my blog :)

    1. Thanks for visiting!

      My current generation (Gen 3) is coming up on 40 chapters because the heir is is taking forever to reach his LTW (I've been plagued with glitches)! It would even take me a while to catch up!

  8. Hi, new reader here! Found you via jo/bookabet and susan/samples bloglists, I've never read a wishacy before and it sounds very hard to a control freak like myself.(So of course now I'm trying to picture doing one in my head!)

    A very nice start for your founder, she's very pretty. She's a bookworm, clumsy, hopeless romantic, natural cook, and ???? family-oriented? Wasn't sure about the last one.

    I'll be reading along and probably commenting a little, hope you enjoy a bit of comment spam on old posts. I'm looking forward to the ride!

  9. Yay! I love new readers! (And new things to read, too!)

    It's always fun to get comments on old posts since it gives me an excuse to go back and visit the older generations.
