29 August 2012

Gen 4 Chapter 6: Random life

Life is so random. I like it!

The other day, I had breakfast with Puzzle. I think it's totally fascinating that he used to be imaginary and now he's real! I wonder what other imaginary things might become real... Fairies? Werewolves? The possibilities are endless!


On the other hand, Puzzle is usually a little boring for an imaginary person.


I tried asking him about his life before he became real. Well, except for the things he used to do with Sebastian. I certainly don't need to know about that side of my brother!

But, like, what did he eat? Was it real food or imaginary food? Was it food that was real to him and imaginary to those of us on this side? Did he even know that he was imaginary? Did he think that he was real and we were the imaginary ones?

What if I am imaginary? What if none of this is real? How do I know if I'm real?


Ok, that's silly. Of course I'm real. What else would I be?

Anyway, Puzzle said that he liked the food on this side better, but he never did answer any of my questions.

Probably because Dad was too busy in the kitchen complaining that he was hungry, even though he was cooking his own food. It's hard to talk when Dad is being so loud. He should just have some toast like me and Puzzle. Then he could ponder the bigger questions.


Like what exercise is best for real and imaginary people.


I'm really starting to worry about Dad. It's good that he turned the family over to me since he seems to be losing it. Besides hanging around the house complaining about things that are right in front of him, he had another accident at work! I don't know what he's working on, but he needs to figure it out before he runs out of clothes.

He was running around town in his underwear!


At least I have the cats to help me. I like cats.


I think Sebastian is studying for a promotion. He wants to start working out in the community and needs to learn more stuff before he can do that.

I don't know. The community around here has been pretty boring so far. There's never anyone around when I go places.

I'd almost think it might be me, but I'm way too interesting and important for people to be avoiding me.


I made macaroni and cheese. Everyone ate it. I'm good at taking care of the family and I don't blow myself up, which makes me way better at this than Dad.


And then Nemo did the dishes! I think he's trying to get on Mom's good side.

I don't think it will work, though. He should stay out of the pool.


A/N: Missed a week last week. We're still trying to buy a new house and talk the 2-year-old into walking again now that she got rid of the cast on her leg. Neither of those projects is progressing very quickly. And it's making me nuts! Plus, the kids have taken over my Simming computer to watch their shows so I'm not getting much play time. I do have a few chapters ready to write now, though, so hopefully things will be a little less random. This chapter is mostly filled with pictures that didn't fit into any of my stories.


Gwyn had a bird and it died. Everyone was completely broken up by this event, especially Puzzle. This theme will go on for several chapters because they just wouldn't get over it! I eventually had to sell the bird cage so that all of the humans and felines in the house would stop standing in front of it, grieving.

Gwyn freaked me out a little. The only times she's put on this outfit spontaneously is when she's been pregnant! Impossible since she's an elder, but it gave me a start!

Zeke wandered around in full blown-up mode for at least 2 days. It didn't seem to bother him.

Eventually, I suggested he might want to do something about that smelly sock moodlet. He decided to take a swim. He really might be losing it.

15 August 2012

Gen 4 Chapter 5: Conversations

Ok, not that I meant to be eavesdropping or anything, but you really can find out the most interesting things when you listen to other people's conversations! I know, I shouldn't. But they were right next to my bedroom. I couldn't help but listen in! Really!

It all started when Nemo was in the kitty room on my balcony. I don't know why he was there. He was just standing there enjoying the atmosphere, I guess. I can't blame him, cats are great to be around. I usually try to be around them when they're actually there, though.


Anyway, Mom showed up to tell him that no one ever does the dishes. It really bugs her. I don't know why she keeps telling us, though. It's like she's obsessed or something. I don't know what's up with everyone getting obsessed about things now that we've moved. I'm not obsessed with anything.


Mom likes Nemo best, I think. I'll bet that's because he looks so much like Dad did when he was younger.

Wait. That might be a creepy reason. It didn't seem creepy when I thought it, but it kind of does now that I write it out.

And where are the cats?


Nemo told Mom that he likes flowers. I think he was trying to distract her obsession with dishes by reminding her of her love of gardening. She hasn't gardened once since we've been here in Lunar Lakes, but I can't really blame her. The plants here are weird. But kind of cool. I like the shiny ones.


Mom said Nemo had a nice smile.

Hmmm... getting a little creepy there again, Mom.


Nemo was flattered, though. He agreed that he has a nice smile and even demonstrated!


Mom said she'd be happy if he'd study more. Nemo has started skipping school, I guess. I don't know, I don't pay attention. I don't see what the big deal is about school, anyway. I didn't go most of the time and look how good I turned out! I'm in charge of a whole family!

I think we need more cats.


Nemo told her that he'd rather be paid just for being his cool, smiling self. I agree with him on that. But for me, not him. Being me is a big job and I should totally get paid for it. He should finish school and get a job. I'll have to tell him that.


Mom and Nemo didn't even talk about me at all. It's like they don't even realize that I'm in charge around here! What a boring conversation! My conversations are always so much more interesting.


Then Mom thought that Nemo should go to bed and he agreed that he was kind of tired. Next time I eavesdrop on someone, I'm going to make sure that it's worth my time before I do it! Not that I was trying to eavesdrop, it just happened. Really.


I like cats. It's about time one of them showed up in there! I wonder what Dink thinks of Mom and Nemo hanging around in his room. I'll bet that he wishes they'd leave him alone. Dink likes privacy.


Yeti? Mom might be more interesting than I thought!


A/N: Not much going on here, but I thought it was a cute moment between Nemo and Gwyn. With any luck, I'll get my next batch of pictures uploaded soon so I can actually work on the story! I can't wait to show Sebastian and Puzzle and their older men, but those weren't ready to go yet. Having the toddler in a cast (along with house hunting) is messing with my ability to play and upload!

07 August 2012

Gen 4 Chapter 4: Puzzle-d

Sebastian's invisible friend is becoming a distraction for him! I mean, he even forgot to go to work this morning! Sebastian has never forgotten that kind of thing. He was always the straight arrow while I was the flaky one.

Not really flaky, if you ask me, but that's how I've heard my Mom and Dad talk about me.

Not that it bugs me. Because I kind of am.

Flaky. Not a bug.

I prefer "unconventional". Because that's a nice, big word that sounds impressive.


Anyway, Sebastian's friend is a bad influence is my point.


I mean, even Nemo noticed! And Nemo hardly ever notices anything!


It got so bad that Dad rummaged through all of the old boxes that we brought with us and found some weird concoction that his Grandpa VJ made ages ago! I don't know what was in it or why he thought it would be good to give to Sebastian. Dad didn't seem like he was paying much attention to Sebastian's invisible people obsession, but I guess he was.

I should still totally be in charge of the family. Dad is old.

So anyway, I wasn't there but Sebastian apparently knew just what to do with this potion. Or maybe Dad knew? Someone had to know. Or maybe it was just an experiment? Maybe they tried different things? I don't know.


Hmmm... isn't something supposed to happen now? I'll bet it didn't taste very good.


Wow. Sebastian waited all night for this?


For some reason, this is not how I thought Sebastian's invisible friend would look. He looks a little... flaky. But not necessarily in a good way, like me. Poor Sebastian.


I think Dad is wondering if he made the right decision. I would be, too.

See? I'm better at running the family.


Even the cats think Puzzle is weird! And they live with me and Sebastian! Cats are good judges of character.


A/N: Shortly after Sebastian started obsessing over playing with Puzzle, I remembered that VJ had made a whole bunch of potions way back when he was alive. I never really used any or even looked very closely at them, but sure enough there was an IF one in there! I decided to see if Puzzle and Sebastian could find love in the real world. Not sure if that's going to happen, though... Puzzle has a very strange combination of traits: Loser, Hopeless Romantic, Never Nude, Light Sleeper, Nurturing. He wants to be a CEO of a Mega Corp. Not sure how that's going to work with Loser, though! Anyway, now that he's real, I'm not sure that he's Sebastian's type but at least it might force Sebastian to get out into the real world again.


Another shot of Puzzle. He looks very smug, doesn't he? Also, no one has ever sat on any of the couches in this house. Sims are weird.

Nemo was so shocked by the appearance of Puzzle that he peed his pants!

This has been an ongoing issue with Zeke since he was a teen, at least. Sitting down with his food and then complaining that he's hungry. When his food is right in front of him! It cracks me up every time. You put it there, Zeke! Look down!

01 August 2012

Gen 4 Chapter 3: Casting about

Hey, look what I found! I found a picture from graduation! It's a little dark. You can kind of see that Grim guy behind me, with his invisible face.

Or, I mean, you can't actually see his invisible face. Because it's invisible.

I worry that Sebastian might be suicidal. I told him that swimming in water was very dangerous, and he should take me more seriously now that I've graduated. And he just talked about how happy he was to see Grim. Sounds suspicious.


Sigh. It's like I'm talking to myself. (A/N: kind of hard to see but the entire family, other than Ariel, are thinking about the swimming pool. I thought it was funny, considering how much she tells everyone that she hates water.)


Speaking of talking to myself, Sebastian's been doing it a lot. Talking to himself, I mean, not to myself. Though it's not like he's talking to himself, it's like he talking to someone who's invisible. He even pauses like he's listening to them talk back to him. Oh! Maybe that's why he was so impressed with Grim! Maybe Sebastian isn't suicidal after all... he just likes invisible people! That makes so much more sense.


Mom's worried about him. Maybe I should tell her my "invisible people" theory. That might make her feel better.


I'll have to pick a time when she's not all cranky, though. She's starting to obsess about keeping the house cleaner. She's always after one of us to do the dishes or pick up the clutter. Dad says she used to be able to keep the house very neat and tidy before us kids showed up and it's been driving her crazy ever since. Not that he thinks Mom is actually crazy. It's not like she talks to invisible people or anything.


I like cats.


Because I like cats so much, I decided to adopt one! This is Rylee. She's cute. The other cats seems to like her, too. Mostly, though, they just all wander around sniffing each other. (A/N: since Ariel's LTW happened after the other two cats were adopted, this is the first cat who counts... so 1/6 done!)


Lunar Lakes has some crazy domes scattered around town. I finally got around to checking them out and it turns out that they're like parks. But parks that are modeled after different people's home worlds.


I'm not sure if it actually makes people feel less homesick or whatever, though. When I went, there wasn't anyone there! If anything, it's more lonely! Then again, it was at night so I guess it's possible that more people are there during the day. I decided to play my guitar.


I also checked out the local gym. I was going to try some of the equipment, but I ran into this guy- Michael- and just had to ask him about his uniform. Wouldn't it have been great if it was a costume he wore around town for fun?


But, no, he's actually military. My Mom used to be military, back before she married Dad. And not in this town. Still, I told him all about how cool she used to be. I could tell that he was fascinated.


A/N: Not too much going on here, I'm still recovering from losing so many pictures! Ariel isn't rolling any social wishes, so I try to send her to random community lots whenever she has a skill wish (in this case, guitar and athletic) in hopes that she'll make some friends. It almost worked with Michael as she continued to talk to him after the initial forced greeting (wishacy rules allow one un-wished social interaction per day). He wasn't very interested, though. And she didn't seem to care.


Someone forgot to pay the bills! The whole family was sad for days. This is trampoline that Gwyn wished for and then no one actually used, so no real loss there.

Rylee is apparently a magical cat.

After talking for a bit, Michael wandered off to use the toilet. Then Ariel decided that she needed to be in there, too, for some reason (she didn't need to pee or anything). They stood on opposite sides of the door forever, unable to get past each other, and getting annoyed that their paths were blocked. I eventually made Ariel step away from the door. Sims are weird.