01 August 2012

Gen 4 Chapter 3: Casting about

Hey, look what I found! I found a picture from graduation! It's a little dark. You can kind of see that Grim guy behind me, with his invisible face.

Or, I mean, you can't actually see his invisible face. Because it's invisible.

I worry that Sebastian might be suicidal. I told him that swimming in water was very dangerous, and he should take me more seriously now that I've graduated. And he just talked about how happy he was to see Grim. Sounds suspicious.


Sigh. It's like I'm talking to myself. (A/N: kind of hard to see but the entire family, other than Ariel, are thinking about the swimming pool. I thought it was funny, considering how much she tells everyone that she hates water.)


Speaking of talking to myself, Sebastian's been doing it a lot. Talking to himself, I mean, not to myself. Though it's not like he's talking to himself, it's like he talking to someone who's invisible. He even pauses like he's listening to them talk back to him. Oh! Maybe that's why he was so impressed with Grim! Maybe Sebastian isn't suicidal after all... he just likes invisible people! That makes so much more sense.


Mom's worried about him. Maybe I should tell her my "invisible people" theory. That might make her feel better.


I'll have to pick a time when she's not all cranky, though. She's starting to obsess about keeping the house cleaner. She's always after one of us to do the dishes or pick up the clutter. Dad says she used to be able to keep the house very neat and tidy before us kids showed up and it's been driving her crazy ever since. Not that he thinks Mom is actually crazy. It's not like she talks to invisible people or anything.


I like cats.


Because I like cats so much, I decided to adopt one! This is Rylee. She's cute. The other cats seems to like her, too. Mostly, though, they just all wander around sniffing each other. (A/N: since Ariel's LTW happened after the other two cats were adopted, this is the first cat who counts... so 1/6 done!)


Lunar Lakes has some crazy domes scattered around town. I finally got around to checking them out and it turns out that they're like parks. But parks that are modeled after different people's home worlds.


I'm not sure if it actually makes people feel less homesick or whatever, though. When I went, there wasn't anyone there! If anything, it's more lonely! Then again, it was at night so I guess it's possible that more people are there during the day. I decided to play my guitar.


I also checked out the local gym. I was going to try some of the equipment, but I ran into this guy- Michael- and just had to ask him about his uniform. Wouldn't it have been great if it was a costume he wore around town for fun?


But, no, he's actually military. My Mom used to be military, back before she married Dad. And not in this town. Still, I told him all about how cool she used to be. I could tell that he was fascinated.


A/N: Not too much going on here, I'm still recovering from losing so many pictures! Ariel isn't rolling any social wishes, so I try to send her to random community lots whenever she has a skill wish (in this case, guitar and athletic) in hopes that she'll make some friends. It almost worked with Michael as she continued to talk to him after the initial forced greeting (wishacy rules allow one un-wished social interaction per day). He wasn't very interested, though. And she didn't seem to care.


Someone forgot to pay the bills! The whole family was sad for days. This is trampoline that Gwyn wished for and then no one actually used, so no real loss there.

Rylee is apparently a magical cat.

After talking for a bit, Michael wandered off to use the toilet. Then Ariel decided that she needed to be in there, too, for some reason (she didn't need to pee or anything). They stood on opposite sides of the door forever, unable to get past each other, and getting annoyed that their paths were blocked. I eventually made Ariel step away from the door. Sims are weird.


  1. I think Ariel is my favorite Hodgins so far! I love her!

    1. She is quite a lot of fun to play and write. So very random!

  2. I love Ariel's voice. She's so cute and adorable! Silly sims not listening to her theories about the water. They'll be sorry when the water people come and destroy them all! Wait until Seasons is released and someone tries to make her swim in the sea!!!

    1. I'm sure Ariel will have a lot to say about the safety of swimming in the sea! She's so much fun to play... you guys made a good choice.

  3. I agree with both initial comments before mine - Ariel and the way she tells her story are absolutely awesome! Not only her random thoughts, but also the way she sees and thinks about everyone around her. Hopefully she will find a man soon (although I am not too sure whether I would want somebody "normal" for her or somebody just as..well, special as her.Both could lead to great families :) )

    1. She's so fun. I'm hoping that the random community lots plan will work so I don't have to use the free day option to get her married off.

  4. Augghh, it's Michael the Pig!!!
