23 April 2013

Gen 4 Chapter 40: Bait and Switch

I can't believe we've had so many successful parties lately! I'm on a roll!

Blu is impressed too, I'm sure.

All of our guests even went home after Yeti's birthday!

I'm even thinking about teaching Bumble something... like how to walk!

I'm just getting so good at this life thing now!

Of course, first I had to birth another baby. Blu and I were both exhausted, but I made him stay with me.


He was a little panicked. I don't know why, it's not like this is the first time.


Then he was a lot panicked! I mean, really, over dramatic much?


I think he knew that he'd gone too far.


I took matters into my own hands and headed to the hospital. Blu was still feeling a little sheepish about his overreaction.

He should.

It's not like he's been carrying these babies around forever, letting them suck the life out of HIM!

I mean, really.


Just as we headed to the hospital, I noticed the school bus! It was Yeti's first day of school and I missed giving her a hug! I'm a terrible mother to that poor girl.

She looks sad, doesn't she? I hope she's not sad.

I'll make it up to her as soon as this baby is born. No, really, I will!

Ok, probably not.

Maybe BOB will.


But, look! Nemo was just getting to work when we arrived at the hospital! It will be so nice to have him there while I'm having the baby.

Well, not there there. Some things, a brother does not need to see!

But, you know, around. He can make sure that they take good care of me and the new baby!


After hours and hours and hours (seriously, this is our last kid Blu!), we had a new little girl!

We named her Snow, you know to keep with the abominable theme that Mom would have loved. Even though she's blue, I think Snow is a perfectly good name. It's not like all snow is white!


Wait. What?


A/N: So, funny story- Snow was blue when I named her and they left the hospital. And not blue when we got home! It took me a few minutes to realize that she'd changed colors and then I had to go back and check the hospital picture to make sure. I haven't played far enough ahead to know whether she changes again when she ages up. I guess she's living up to her name? It was really weird. I swear, I did nothing. Oh, and her traits are Brave and Clumsy! That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.


Oh, Blu. Probably not a good idea to complain about your wife being stinky while she's in labor with your third child.

Panicking townies outside of the hospital. Also, Blu still thinks that his LTW is Perfect Aquarium. I've changed in every way I know and it even says Superstar Athlete in CAS, but on screen it's still the fish. He always rolls athletic wishes and never rolls fishing wishes so I just don't know. I guess we'll see?


  1. Brave and Clumsy! I love those traits! All of Ariel's kids seem so promising.

    The color change is really bizarre. I thought for a minute that you'd taken a page from my book. But why would you be tired of blue babies?

    You changed Blu's traits just using the Midlife Crisis reward and it still didn't stick??

    1. Oh yeah, and I totally thought that the commotion in the background was a werewolf harassing a random guy. Bwah!

    2. The color change was so weird... and got even weirder after you changed one of yours!

      I've changed Blu's LTW through CAS, MasterController, and the reward points. It still won't stick!

  2. How bizarre is that? I've never seen a baby change their own skin colour like that? Snow must have hidden talents!

    With the Brave and Clumsy traits, I can imagine little Snow will have lots of breaks and bruises as she grows up, getting herself into all sorts of trouble! I can imagine her as a real little tomboy with muddy knees!!

    1. Really bizarre. Maybe Snow is magic!

      Her traits really do set her up for all kinds of trouble, don't they?

  3. Snow is a wonderful name, regardless of her skin colour :)And the trait combination is absolutely awesome!

    1. Snow is already turning out to be very interesting and she was just born!

  4. I think it's actually pretty cool that one of the kids has Zeke's skintone. More variety!

    1. Very true. Just really unexpected since she left the hospital one color and arrived home another! If I didn't know better, I'd think she'd been switched at birth!

  5. Snow must take after her daddy already, he can't keep a LTW and she can't keep a skin color. ;)

    Clumsy is a cute trait if they express it, the stumbling is priceless. Send her fishing with her daddy later on and maybe she'll do the fall/flip for you! (If she rolls a wish to hang out with him they could have a fishing trip maybe?)


    1. Good point about the family trait of being inconsistent!

      I would love to see a fishing flip live... I'll keep that in mind!

  6. Definitely switched at birth.
