26 March 2013

Gen 4 Chapter 36: Ships in the night

Yeti is super cute. Even if she does remind me of her father.


Speaking of Blu, he's going through a mid-life crisis! Isn't that funny?

It makes me laugh, anyway. He gets all worried about how he looks and whether he has wrinkles and everything. It's great!

I mean, obviously, he's in great shape and I totally like looking at him, even when I'm mad at him.

But it serves him right to be all crisis-y for being a big jerk lately.


BOB, on the other hand, has been so much help! And Yeti adores him.

If he keeps this up, I might actually have to try to remember his real name...


Bob loves rocking in the nursery, watching over Yeti and Bumble when Blu and I are off doing other things.


For Blu, that usually means working out. He's so concerned about losing his buff physique.


Oh, sorry. I probably shouldn't take so much glee from his suffering.

But I do have to admit that he looks really good while working out.


BOB and Bumble bond.

See what I did there?


Sometimes, I even help BOB take care of the kids. It's kind of hard to get around him sometimes, though. He totally hogs the children.


When BOB goes to work, I sometimes force Blu to help with the kids.

We all seem just seem to be pushing against each other lately.

Will it ever get easier?


Nova still misses Mom.

We all do, kitty.


I didn't want Nova to get too lonely, though, so I adopted a new cat! Wesker is quiet.

He also showed up with fleas.

They told me that he didn't have fleas at the shelter and must have gotten them from our house.

They're liars.


Ok. Fine. Blu is a good father. Whatever.


A/N: Still, Ariel and Blu both are pretty much refusing to wish to interact with anyone in the family. They like to roll Woohoo wishes but nothing else. No one wants to teach poor Yeti anything, either. I've only played a little bit beyond this since my game is acting a little weird- all of a sudden, I can't zoom into their house or interact with any of the family while they're home. It's acting like it's a non-player house for some reason! I'm going to try updating all of my mods and see what happens. Anyway, there does seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel for the Blu/Ariel rift.

And Weskers makes the 5th cat that Ariel has adopted toward her LTW, but only the 2nd since the big move so only two of them count. Is there a way that I can adjust the count? Otherwise, I'll probably just adopt three cats and move them right back out to get her count where it should be.


This picture reminds me of a horror movie... IT'S STANDING RIGHT BEHIND YOU!

I took this picture of Blu and realized that I still hadn't fixed the damage from the fire that happened way back when everyone was still alive! I finally took care of that.

Poor BOB. Both kids are screaming at him here. I sent Ariel in to help him.

Ariel was not impressed by all of the screaming, either.


  1. By the way, there are three cribs in the nursery because one of the cribs glitched and still thinks that it's being used by Yeti! I can't put anyone in it or get rid of it because it's "in use"... I figure that should resolve itself once she's aged up to child.

  2. That family really makes me laugh :D Although it's kind of sad to see how Ariel and Blu (don't) interact with each other. Hopefully that will FINALLY get better!

    The kids are still adorable, though. And the cats, too!

    1. I know! It seems like the trouble between Ariel and Blu has been going on forever. I can say with confidence now, though, that there will be some big changes soon.

      And the kids get even cuter!

  3. It DOES seem like the trouble between Ariel and Blu has been going on forever! They barely got any kind of happy marriage before the parents died and it went to hell. At least there are heirs.

    Ariel is a disgruntled wife with a lot of flair, though. I love her snark, even if it makes me ache a bit.

    I am so glad you can offer some reassurance that things will change soon.

    1. Yeah, mostly accidental heirs but at least the legacy will go on! Ariel really has little interest in having a family and, apparently, Blu doesn't either! I'm hoping that they decide to teach Bumble some toddler skills, since I think it's too late for Yeti.

      Ariel is cranky and out of sorts, which is almost kind of adorable on her. She's still attracted to Blu, but tends to roll wishes at just the right time to make his life difficult... like the sculpting while he's exhausted.

      My game is behaving again now, luckily! More or less, anyway- Blu still thinks that his LTW is Perfect Aquarium, even though I changed it.

  4. ^ I'm glad your pc is, more or less, working again :)

    Despite her marital difficulties, I'm glad that Ariel can still make me laugh. I wish they'd roll other wishes for one another than woohoo ... although I suppose it's a good thing they still find one another attractive.

    Poor kidlets. Thank goodness that Bob has stepped in as an honorary grandparent. I'm hoping the kids don't get confused and start calling him dad as he spends more time with them than their real parents!!!!

    1. BOB has been awesome! For a random robot that essentially followed Zeke home from the lab, he's been such a help to this family during the difficult times. And he pretty much doesn't leave the nursery unless he has to go to work.

      Ariel and Blu are very attracted to each other. If only they'd want to spend time together otherwise! I'm glad that Ariel seems to be loosening up a bit toward Blu lately.

    2. OK, I'm not clear on this -- WHERE did BOB come from? I assumed he was a My Best Friend lifetime reward of Zeke's.

    3. Pretty much. Zeke wished for a Simbot so I got him one... but I had no idea what I was getting into! I didn't know that they had their own needs and wishes that I'd have to deal with! So I relegated BOB to "Zeke's toy" status and ignored him for awhile.
