05 September 2012

Gen 4 Chapter 7: My brother, cemetery doctor

You know what's weird? Vaccinations.

Well, not just the vaccinations. It's where they do them!

Sebastian was supposed to do some kind of vaccination clinic for his job or something. So they sent him to the cemetery!

Can you believe it? Like that wouldn't be kind of freaky to the people getting vaccinations. "Hey, have a shot. You probably won't die or anything, but just in case it will be very convenient!"

If you ask me, though, Sebastian enjoyed giving people giant injections a little too much.


Aunt Bonni was even there to get a shot. Sebastian says that she's enjoying being married quite a lot. I guess she would, she waited long enough! I'm not waiting that long to get married.

Where would I find a husband, though? I never see anyone when I go out.


I'd ask Sebastian, but he's too busy meeting old men in the park.

And that's pretty much just how it sounds.


Sebastian met this Arvid guy at his vaccination clinic and just couldn't wait to see him again! Arvid is totally even older than Dad. AND everyone in town wants him. Is he some kind of super lover or something?

I don't know. I don't see the appeal, but I remember both Aunt Bonni and Aunt Lorali having a thing for him at some point in the past. Bonni, in particular, used to get in these spectacular public screaming matches over this guy.

I just don't see it.


Apparently, Sebastian does though. I love my brother and all, but I'm not sure he stands a chance... not with this guy, anyway. I mean, Sebastian obviously likes men but you'd think he could make a more appropriate choice!

("Appropriate choice"! Don't I sound smart and in charge? It's a good thing Dad chose me to lead the family!)


I suppose it's possible that that Arvid guy was just teaching Sebastian the super secret handshake of the same sex inclined or something.

Yeah, that must be it.


Or not. What is it will this family and older men?


I wonder if Dink will like his new daddy...


A/N: Another short chapter, but at least I wrote one! We're living half of our week at my in-laws right now (and the other have at our house) while we try to close on a new house. The kids are in school in the new town, which means lots of driving and no Sim playing for me! How do you like Sebastian's choice in men? Wait until you see who Puzzle chooses!


At the vax clinic, I noticed Bonni grieving at a couple of unmarked graves. I'm wondering if they belong to Neli and Kevin, as those were lost in the move. I grabbed them and moved them to the home lot, but no ghosts so far...

Another trampoline. Gwyn keeps wishing to buy one and then no one uses it. And then it gets repossessed. This on makes three. Someone really should pay the bills occasionally!

Puzzle feeds the cats with flair. He's kind of fun to have around! (For now, anyway.)


  1. "Hey, have a shot. You probably won't die or anything, but just in case it will be very convenient!" BWAHAHA!

    You've GOT to be kidding me. Sebastian and Arvid?? Are they really a couple? And what's with Ariel never meeting anyone? That has to be aggravating!

    1. Yes! Sebastian and Arvid! I couldn't believe it! Sebastian wants to date Arvid but I'm having trouble getting him to come over so that they can get to know each other. I'm pretty sure that Arvid is going to kick the bucket pretty soon, too.

      Every time I send Ariel out on the town, the place she goes clears out! It's crazy.

  2. I love the course of the story :D After many generations, Arvid finally returns to an active household in a legacy. Well, maybe. Considering that half of Sebastian's family already dated him, it's a little creepy, though. It's funny to read how Ariel deals with that possible relationship.

    1. Everyone loves Arvid! It's so weird.

      It was one of the craziest things in the house, until Puzzle's upcoming romantic interlude.

      I figured that Ariel would be more concerned about the cats than anyone else, but I really wish she'd want to spend some time with some humans!

  3. This update made me laugh! Sebastian has a strange taste in men ... and for giving injections in innapropiate places it seems. Lol!

    1. I couldn't believe it when he injected Arvid and then immediately wanted to date him. Arvid is just too irresistible, I guess!
