12 April 2012

Town update, with bonus heir poll!

Story progression is working again (I deleted and reinstalled), so things are actually happening around town! I don't have pictures to go with these, but they are interesting nonetheless.

Bonni is now an elder and has finally found love. I apparently didn't note her boyfriend's name, but they've been together since just after Ariel's child birthday and have been loving it up all over town.

Lorali has given up on older men and is now dating Gwyn's nephew Denis. They are engaged, though Lorali is still occasionally seen around town with other men. I'm not sure if that's a glitch or a character flaw.

Jagger has been very busy. He's decided to become a thug and wanders around town beating people up. He particularly likes to beat up men involved with people he's viewed as potential romantic interests previously, like: Patience's fiancee, Maggie's husband, and one of Gwyn's sister's boyfriends! In a particularly awesome turn of events, he started dating Carol Song (if memory serves, she's crazy too). They had a very serious and tumultuous relationship and she actually asked him to marry her! They haven't made it to the alter, though, as they keep breaking up and getting back together. When they are broken up, Jagger stalks her while dating various sisters of Gwyn. It's kind of fabulous.

Patience and her boyfriend, Cale, had a son that they named Ervin. They are now planning on getting married, finally.

Adjo is still working for the police, though there have been rumors that he is on the take. Money seems to disappear when he's around, but I'm not sure if it's a robin hood thing or not. He recently broke up with his girlfriend, Raspberry, and is now being stalked by her while dating Paula Conrad.

Sunny Bluesky and her boyfriend, Hoff, are pregnant but have apparently decided to break up.

Viola Sharpe and her man, Manuel, had a son that they named Noah. They are still very much in love and decided to move in together (even though they already live together) , according to all of the pop-ups.

Sean Flynn got someone pregnant, though I can't read my own writing well enough to see who it is!

Arvid has apparently become an elder recently, which he celebrated by having a daughter with one woman and becoming a deadbeat dad. Then he moved in with one of Gwyn's sisters! Midlife crisis?

Now for the big heir poll. Up to this point, I've always gone with the first-born as heir and that has worked well for my story. This time, though, I'm completely torn. I love Ariel and Sebastian so much! Nemo is a little young for me to have bonded with, but he's starting out with some interesting traits. So I'm putting it up for opinions... who should take over in the next generation? (Of course, you can't actually hold me to any decisions made by the masses or anything... but I'd love to hear what everyone thinks!)

Sebastian: genius, friendly, animal lover. LTW: World renowned surgeon.

Ariel: eccentric, athletic, inappropriate, cat-person. LTW: undecided.

Nemo: excitable, couch potato. LTW: undecided. (I've played ahead enough to see that he gets Zeke's hair and skin.)


  1. I really like Nemo's traits - they are a nice start for an..um..sim being (is that a word?). Btw, the look on his face (which I already saw in the last chapter, but forgot to comment on) is priceless.

    The decision is really hard and I can see why you are so torn. Sebastian seems like a nice guy, but so far his traits aren't really appealing to me. As Finn is a couch potato and I have gained some experience with that by now, I would probably vote for Ariel. Besides her extraordinary looks her traits sound like she will be fun to watch through out her life.Plus I think it's time for some girl power in your game! ;)

    Thanks for the town update as well! I love that Jagger was dating Carol Song, those two really match.^^ And Arvid's behavior is just really weird, but it's fun to hear that he is living with one of Gwyn's sisters! Maybe he'll become family, who knows... :D
    Poor Sunny, though. Pregnant and now without a father. Hopefully she can find someone new. Hey,maybe Arvid... just kidding.

    1. Yeah, as much as I love Sebastian, Ariel's combination of traits would be much more interesting to play. I kind of want to buy a big house and just keep all of them... but then there would be to many people to keep track of and the number of kids would be limited by the household.

  2. Jagger's story is fabulous! And oh no, Adjo on the take! Say it's not so!

    Hmmm. Shouldn't Sebastian have one more trait? I only see three. World Renowned Surgeon can be a fun LTW. But I have to say that Ariel's traits are totally intriguing.

    So I guess I am also voting for Ariel.

    1. I really love how Jagger's life is going!

      Sebastian lost a trait somewhere between his child and teen birthdays. The same thing happened to Zeke, oddly enough. One day they have three traits and then their teen birthday comes and they're down to two! It's very weird.

      I'm interested to see what Ariel picks for her LTW. That might tip the scales one way or another. She really does have a great combination of traits.

    2. Whoa! I have never seen a sim drop a trait! That's wild.

      I know that Eccentric is the trait that causes Ghost Hunter to pop. I'm having a good time with Veronica as a Ghost Hunter :).

  3. I am so jealous of the Story Progression you have, I'm too chicken to put mods in my game, so I have to be my own SP, every week I look at the game and add some random familes with babies so I'll have new sims growing up, none of my couples get pregnant on their own. :( EA SP sucks!

    I'll be happy whichever way you decide, both teens are interesting, and I'm guessing you won't go with little Nemo. (Whose name fits in perfectly for this gen!)

    1. I love Story Progression and Master Controller. They are "must have" mods. I add and delete other ones to see how I like them with varying degrees of success, but those two are pretty stable.
