15 October 2011

Gen 3 Chapter 2: Are you kidding me? WTF Mom?

So, yeah. This happened.

And then this happened.

My parents are so embarrassing. Why can't they just act like normal people?

Then again, I do sometimes go to Dad for advice. I'm just no good at talking to girls, or anyone for that matter, but it's so easy for him. As long as he doesn't actually know I'm asking for advice and just thinks that we're chatting or something I think it will be ok.

And Dad does make a point to hang out with each of us when he's home from work, which is actually kind of cool.

Bonni had a birthday. Mom missed it, of course. She's always getting called in to work. Whatever.

I think Bonni looks a lot like Dad, but Mom says she sees some of Grandpa VJ in her too. I wonder if she'll start bringing friends home with her now that she's a teenager... cute ones...

"Bonding" over pancakes.

Ugh. Act your age, already!

Oh, I finally decided what to do with my life! I'm going to be a Creature/Robot cross breeder. I wanted to do something that will actually challenge my intellect (which is quite considerable, if I do say so myself) and that seemed the way to go. To start off, I "borrowed" some fruits and veggies from the neighbors and started my own garden.

Bonni has only been inviting guys over. Whatever.

Mom stayed home long enough (for once) to yell at me for losing my job at the cemetery. As if it's my fault that I never managed to make it to work!

Lorali is actually kind of cute sometimes.

Bonni is just annoying.

I tried to talk to one of Dad's friends, but I don't think she thought I was very interesting.

Bonni is such a dork.

Dork or not, Bonni has decided to be a Robot/Creature cross breeder, too, so at least I have someone to talk with about that.

It will also be nice to have someone to help with the gardening. Watering takes forever and I haven't been able to talk Mom and Dad into getting me any sprinklers yet!

Bonni even scored us some more seeds!

As if my parents weren't a total embarrassment, Mom went and got knocked up. They're totally ancient and shouldn't even be... ok, I can't even think about what they did to make this happen. Mom is just way to old to have a baby.

Maybe I'll just ignore them all.

Seriously. Stop. It. Haven't you done enough damage?

Mom decided to go visit Aunt Fiona. (Wow! Aunt Fiona got OLD!) At least it got her out of the house. I don't know which is worse: having Mom gone at work all the time or having her home all the time.

Mom decided to have a party for Lorali's birthday. I don't know why, it's not like she ever threw one for me. Anyway, then this happened;

And this, because Dad has apparently never really been through this before? Whatever.

The best part was when Mom decided that she'd had enough of Dad's panic and took herself to the hospital.

She even had to drive herself! If I ever have kids, I'm going to be totally calm and cool.

So, anyway, after two little sisters I finally have a little brother! I suppose that, if my parents had to have another kid, at least it's a boy. Welcome Jagger!

A/N: I can't believe that Neli and Kevin both wished to have another baby! Well, I can (especially since they can't keep their hands off of each other), but they were so close to having all teenagers and not having to worry about kid stuff anymore! I'm glad that Neli decided to go to the hospital this time. And that Jagger is a normal, visible baby. Neli's been pregnant so much that both of her younger siblings have aged to elders already and she's still no where near her birthday.

Also, Zeke finally made his LTW decision! I have no idea where it came from, but it's nice to have direction.


Apparently, VJ approves of his son-in-law.

Why is Neli taking the stinky dish to work with her? We may never know.

Invisible Kevin! Maybe this is where Invisible Baby came from?


  1. Oh wow, even another baby! Jagger is a nice name - reminds me of Mick Jagger. Maybe he is going to be a rock star :D

    Zeke's life seems to be really hard. His parents are making out in front of him, his "big little" sister is just annoying him, but at least shares some interests with him. Well, I guess that is life as a teenager, but you manage to describe that really well.
    I can't wait to see Jagger age up and to see how Lorali turns out! And how Zeke is going to deal with that.

  2. Ahh I love Zeke! The picture of Bonni falling over on the treadmill was funny. I know sims do it all the time but it's just the kind of thing a brother would tease his sister over. It's so cute they do the gardening together.

  3. @amhranai: I though Jagger was a great name and one that rock star Kevin would appreciate. Zeke kind of cracks me up, he obviously likes his siblings but he gives the funniest looks.

    @Courtney: I always love the sims falling over on the treadmill so I was thrilled to get to use a picture of it within the context of my story! It is totally something that a younger sibling would never live down.

  4. Yep, totally nailing the "voice" of a teenage boy, haha

    Another baby?? At their age? Wow!

    Also, that's a great name, Jagger. Now I totally have that song "Moves like Jagger" in my head!
