26 March 2013

Gen 4 Chapter 36: Ships in the night

Yeti is super cute. Even if she does remind me of her father.


Speaking of Blu, he's going through a mid-life crisis! Isn't that funny?

It makes me laugh, anyway. He gets all worried about how he looks and whether he has wrinkles and everything. It's great!

I mean, obviously, he's in great shape and I totally like looking at him, even when I'm mad at him.

But it serves him right to be all crisis-y for being a big jerk lately.


BOB, on the other hand, has been so much help! And Yeti adores him.

If he keeps this up, I might actually have to try to remember his real name...


Bob loves rocking in the nursery, watching over Yeti and Bumble when Blu and I are off doing other things.


For Blu, that usually means working out. He's so concerned about losing his buff physique.


Oh, sorry. I probably shouldn't take so much glee from his suffering.

But I do have to admit that he looks really good while working out.


BOB and Bumble bond.

See what I did there?


Sometimes, I even help BOB take care of the kids. It's kind of hard to get around him sometimes, though. He totally hogs the children.


When BOB goes to work, I sometimes force Blu to help with the kids.

We all seem just seem to be pushing against each other lately.

Will it ever get easier?


Nova still misses Mom.

We all do, kitty.


I didn't want Nova to get too lonely, though, so I adopted a new cat! Wesker is quiet.

He also showed up with fleas.

They told me that he didn't have fleas at the shelter and must have gotten them from our house.

They're liars.


Ok. Fine. Blu is a good father. Whatever.


A/N: Still, Ariel and Blu both are pretty much refusing to wish to interact with anyone in the family. They like to roll Woohoo wishes but nothing else. No one wants to teach poor Yeti anything, either. I've only played a little bit beyond this since my game is acting a little weird- all of a sudden, I can't zoom into their house or interact with any of the family while they're home. It's acting like it's a non-player house for some reason! I'm going to try updating all of my mods and see what happens. Anyway, there does seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel for the Blu/Ariel rift.

And Weskers makes the 5th cat that Ariel has adopted toward her LTW, but only the 2nd since the big move so only two of them count. Is there a way that I can adjust the count? Otherwise, I'll probably just adopt three cats and move them right back out to get her count where it should be.


This picture reminds me of a horror movie... IT'S STANDING RIGHT BEHIND YOU!

I took this picture of Blu and realized that I still hadn't fixed the damage from the fire that happened way back when everyone was still alive! I finally took care of that.

Poor BOB. Both kids are screaming at him here. I sent Ariel in to help him.

Ariel was not impressed by all of the screaming, either.

19 March 2013

Gen 4 Chapter 35: Bumbling

Blu finally came home, after partying all night and who knows what all. He looked tired and hung over. He skipped work and passed out in the kitchen.

Ha! Serves him right!

(I have to admit, though, that older Blu is still hot. Just don't tell him that I said that!)


He obviously wasn't feeling well and needed some peace and quiet to get over his headache.

So I decided to sculpt! Loudly! With hammers!


All day and into the night. I made a toilet. And when that was done, I started in on a new sculpture. I think the act of beating on wood calmed me, though. I started to feel better. I was calmer than I'd been since Dad died and I even decided to forgive Blu. Our grief and all of the changes had piled up on both of us so I couldn't really blame him for everything.


Then it hit me.


Again and again and again!


Alone, in the backyard, I gave birth to our second child. The boy child that Blu wanted!


Meet Bumble. Isn't he beautiful?


He's even cuter than his namesake. I think Mom would approve of my abominable name theme.

But what was everyone else doing while I was laboring in the back yard?

Well, Nova slept through it.


And Blu was eating cake. CAKE! Remember how I was all forgiving of him before Bumble was born? Blu's going to have to work a lot harder to make this up to me.


At least Bonehilda took good care of my girl. Yeti was clean and fed and happily playing.


A/N: Ariel and Blu continue to not be on the same page. They're pretty much in different books altogether at this point! But Bumble might just bring them back together, I hope.


Ah, Gwyn, you always did love that bikini.

Randomly, Puzzle was catching a cab right outside the house one morning. I have no idea what he was up to.

Ariel in labor. It almost looks like she's kissing her sculpture!

12 March 2013

Gen 4 Chapter 34: Toddlers and men who act like babies

With everything that was going on, we nearly forgot that it was Yeti's birthday!

I wanted to throw a party. Blu hates crowds, but I really didn't care. Maybe I should have. Maybe if I had, he wouldn't have invited his ex-girlfriend, Elphie!

She doesn't like me. The feeling is mutual. I blame Blu.

(A/N: Elphie totally crashed the party!)


At least Sebastian and Nemo were able to make it. I guess Puzzle stayed home with little Margo, but they brought Dink! Cat visits are the best.

It's a dark picture, but they're there, trust me!


BOB was very excited about Yeti's birthday. He might have been the only one who was truly happy about the party and everything to do with it. I may have been too hard on him. Maybe he's not so bad.



She's pretty cute. Even if she does take after her dad, a little.


It looks like Blu managed to knock me up again, anyway.


I decided to play a song for him, like back when we were first dating. Back in Lunar Lakes.

Things were good there.

But this time, he took a call while I was playing! Then he went off to a party at the home of one of his friends.

He tipped me $15 before he left.

Whatever, Blu.


He'd had the idea that he might want to teach Yeti how to talk. I couldn't bring myself to care one way or the other, honestly, but then I thought I might just beat him to it! That would show him!


Blu had his birthday at his friend's party. And I wasn't even there to celebrate with him. And he didn't care. He just stayed out all night drinking and partying.


I didn't want to be home when he got in, so Yeti and I went over to visit our neighbor.


I was shocked to discover a familiar face on the front porch! My little niece, Margo was visiting, too! And she has Mom's hair! I love that. I miss Mom.

I wondered if Margo crawled all the way over here? Maybe she was looking for my house and missed?

Either way, at least Yeti has a little playmate while I do some visiting.


I was even more surprised to find my brother Nemo playing guitar inside! But I guess that's probably how Margo got over here. I wonder how Nemo knows Hailey? She's married, so they can't be dating. Plus, I heard a rumor that he's dating Honey. Didn't she date BOB? What a strange woman she must be!

Hailey is pregnant, too, so we can sympathize with each other. I hope our kids can be friends! It would be so nice for them to have next door neighbor kids to play with!


A/N: Ariel and Blu roll wishes to woohoo, but otherwise don't seem to want much to do with each other these days. Blu rolled a wish to teach Yeti to talk, but I apparently forgot to lock that one in because it's gone now. And neither of them is rolling much to do with Yeti, either. What a crazy little family this has turned out to be!


Crossed eyes and mismatched clothes, must be a birthday!

Yeti is already rolling her eyes at this household.

Here is Honey, the one who went out with Bob and Nemo is now dating. She's apparently thinking of babies already! Poor Nemo!

Ugh. We forgot to pay the bills. Again!

Goodbye computer.

Goodbye rug.

Goodbye toddler toy.

Little Margo, looking a little possessed.

05 March 2013

Gen 4 Chapter 33: Falling apart

Wow, I miss my Mom and Dad. I know it's kind of silly, but I really thought that they were going to live forever!

Nova is sad.


I'm sad.


Yeti is fabulous and comforting and beautiful.


Blu is sad.


BOB was sad, but then he decided to go get a job! I had no idea that SimBots wanted to be gainfully employed! He decided to become a musician, of all things. I'm not sure that he has the personality for it and he hates being outside, but whatever. It got him a date with someone named Honey!


Blu and I don't seem to know how to be together anymore. It used to be so easy and now it's just us and... I don't even know.


Sometimes, I think that we just need to try harder. We've been so many changes lately, both good and bad.


We find comfort in each other, physically, but I feel like we're not connecting emotionally.

I know that Blu is a loner, so maybe he just needs time to process everything.


Later, we decided to get out together. I thought that we could leave Yeti with BOB, but it turns out that he never made it home from his date!

The whole household is falling apart without Mom and Dad around! I'm not ready to be in charge! I don't know what to do! How am I supposed too keep everyone together when I can't even keep myself together!

Dad always made it look so easy. I had no idea.


Eventually, we managed to get a baby sitter and Blu and I finally made it to the cemetery. I have no idea why he even wanted to come here.

All of the stress is really getting to me.


Blu wanted to comfort me, but having him touch me was the last thing I wanted! He was at least half of the problem. I just want it all to stop!


But then I remembered that we were supposed to be finding our way back to each other. That was the whole point of this outing. So I let him kiss me.

I still don't get the trip to the cemetery or why it made him want to be romantic, but at least it's not near the water. I guess?


What am I going to do without my parents?


A/N: Poor Ariel and Blu are so sad! They both wished for another baby, and it looks like they're going to get that wish, but otherwise they don't really want much to do with each other or Yeti. Such a tough time in the Hodgins household!


BOB and Nova, synchronized grief.

In all of the excitement, I totally forgot that Blu burned down half of the kitchen! I'm not giving them a stove just yet, though, they're too unstable.

Oh, the sim-anity!