05 July 2012

Gen 4: Prologue

A/N: I almost forgot to post this week! I'm going to blame the holiday and some house hunting activity. We're not ready to move yet, but I found a cute house that Hubby and I both love so we went to peek in the windows on Tuesday instead of me hanging out at home posting Sim stories! I'm pretty sure there's no way that this house will work out for us, but it's fun to dream!

Before I have Ariel take over, I figured I'd put up a 'you are here' kind of post showing off the new house.

The Hodgins have arrived in Lunar Lakes! (That's Neli's old cop car out front, they "drove" it to the new town!)


I picked one of the houses in town that seemed like a good starting place for them. The architecture is unusual, but there's room for all of the adults (and Nemo) to have their own space.


First floor features the kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, giant entryway, and a nice outdoor pool area for those in the family who don't hate the water.


One floor up is the first bedroom suite. This one will be Nemo's. As the only teenager, it seemed like he'd have the least say in which room was his... poor Nemo!


The third floor is the second bedroom suite. I gave this one to Sebastian. It seemed like a nice place for him to relax and/or be all serious about life. I added a desk on his balcony so he has a place to study.


The fourth floor has a bedroom suite and access to a stand alone room. I gave this one to Ariel since there is plenty of room for her exercise equipment and the roof-top room is perfect for the cats she plans on adopting.


Zeke and Gwyn get the top floor. I know it's a lot of stairs for their elder bones, but it seemed like they should get the best view and the quietest room. The kids don't have any incentive to venture up there much so Zeke and Gwyn can get all of the peace and quiet that they need.


A view over the top of the roof.


A view of the town.


Zeke and Gwyn seem to like the new digs.


I haven't decided if I'm going to keep Ariel in this house for her generation or move her after Zeke and Gwyn die, but I'm loving Lunar Lakes so far! There are several unique places that I can see an eccentric like Ariel living.


  1. Woot! This is such a change of pace for the Hodgins! I can't wait for the next chapter in the new setting!

    1. I haven't played much beyond this (maybe one or two chapters), but the change of scenery is so much fun! Of course, it's also hard to find the community lots as they're not where I'm used to finding them.

  2. So you don't get too far ahead of me, I'm going to read from this point on and catch up on your earlier posts when I can! I don't know the characters but I'll soon figure it out XD

    Lunar Lakes is beautiful and I really like the house :)

    1. Zeke is Neli's son, which makes our Generation 4 heir Neli's granddaughter and Trixi's great-grandaughter.

      I'm having fun with Lunar Lakes. It's so different!

  3. Although I'm not sure I'd like to play in this neighborhood, it is nice to watch! It really looks very modern. I can't wait to see how Zeke's family fitsd in thre.

    1. It's been kind of hard to get used to all of the buildings looking so much alike, especially the rabbit hole places. I swear I spend half of my time trying to figure out which is which! I think it will suit Ariel very well, though.

    2. Good luck for that ;) I always find it hard to memorise all the places in a new town anyway, but it must be even harder if they all look alike.
      (Crap, just noticed all the typing mistakes in my last post, sorry for that. I wrote it last night after my house-warming party and WAY too much punch)

  4. Lunar Lakes looks very interesting, can't wait to see more of it. Yay for Ariel, she'll be a great heir!

    **Runs on to next chapter**

    1. Lunar Lakes was a very interesting town. It ended up not working out due to evil glitchiness, but I'd like to go back there some day!
