06 June 2012

Gen 3 Chapter 38: Two Down, One to go!

Things are getting interesting at work. I'm very close to reaching my career goal of becoming a Robot-Creature Crossbreeder! I still have a few more tasks to complete and my hours have been cut due to my age, but I'm beginning to think that I might actually make it before I die!

Unfortunately, it means less time with the family on my days off as I try to finish out those last few skills. I hope I have time after I make it so I can actually enjoy my family. It feels like I've been working toward this goal forever!


The decision of who should become the family heir has also been on my mind lately. I think my mom had it easy since I was so obviously the best choice. My kids are all such interesting and amazing individuals that it's a tough decision. Gwyn has started subtly questioning the kids about their life goals and dreams for the future in order to help me out.


Ariel still hasn't decided what to do with her life, but Nemo has! He's decided to become a Robot-Creature Crossbreeder like his old man! That boy is the spitting image of me at his age... though I was a little more active, I must say. At least he goes to school.


Ariel is officially failing out of school. I've tried punishing her and I've tried leaving her be and nothing made any difference one way or another. Maybe she's just a free spirit? Either way, I did my parental duty and scolded her for her grades. Not that it will make any difference.


That girl is just exhausting.


Sebastian is such a stable influence on the younger kids. He has really been after both of them about attending school and thinking about the future. Too much, maybe, as it tends to turn into a lecture.


All of my worry about Ariel is about to get so much worse. She's graduating and starting out into the real world! I hope the world is ready for her!


Her graduation party was well attended and everyone had a great time. I love having everyone over to the house and I'm going to miss it if... well, it's too early to talk about that.


Ready or not, world!


A/N: So Nemo has chosen an LTW on his own, but Ariel never did! It was forced on her on her birthday and all of the suggested choices had to do with animals. So I picked Animal Rescuer for her since that went along with her personality. I considered Cat Herder, but 15 is a lot of cats to befriend and I wanted to give her a chance to spend some time interacting with humans too! I didn't get to pick her trait since she was failing school, of course. She got hydrophobic forced on her. It's not too bad, but I bet she won't be wishing to go to the pool anymore! There will be three more chapters before Zeke makes his LTW, the heir is chosen, and the family moves...


Zeke is going to scold Ariel, but first he needs to walk all over her!

They never did really right themselves, which is why they're standing so close together in the picture up in the chapter.

Gwyn gardens while Zeke naps in the yard. I don't know why he's suddenly decided to sleep around the lot in a sleeping bag.

Locke hates Jagger! Everyone hates Jagger and Jagger doesn't care.

Glitchy cake.


  1. Whoa! Ariel turned out gorgeous!

    With the trait of Eccentric, she should have had the choice of Paranormal Profiteer. Not fair! Animal Rescurer could be fun, though.

    I've barely had any experience with Pets yet because I've been trying to troubleshoot MY horrible lag until the family is ready to move. Ah, sometimes I wonder why I love this game so much. So does my husband :-p.

    1. Oh, the lag kills me. My poor Sims get so run down and the house is a mess and there's nothing I can do about it! It was really hard to limp through those last few days until Zeke got his last promotion.

      I was kind of looking forward to the Paranormal Profiteer option, but it didn't show up! Ark Builder, Animal Rescuer, Cat Herder... and something else, I forget. Maybe next generation.

      Ariel did turn out quite striking! Good job, Zeke and Gwyn!

    2. As it turns out, I discovered a Master Controller option I'd completely forgotten: Reset Everything. Whoa, did that improve things. If I'd remembered that this existed, I'd've pointed you to it. I did use it once like a year ago when lag destroyed my first down when Zahra was a teen, and it didn't really help. This time, it certainly seems to have a helped a lot. In fact, I think my load time has been cut in half. It was taking my game something like 10 minutes to QUIT, and now it's almost immediate. Reset Everything reported that it reset 23,000 object. Woo.

      On the downside, I think everyone lost all their opportunities. That wasn't a big deal because nobody but Charles was doing anything with them. But it did mean that Charles lost an adventure he was halfway through in France AND one he was halfway through in Egypt, both of which required a trip to Egypt to complete.

      Then again, the triplets can GET TO SCHOOL, which they couldn't before due to lag. There will be a Simfail post on the go-to-school lag disasters, but I am now played ahead about 15 of my size posts, so it'll be a while till I get to it....

    3. Wow! Reset Everything sounds great! I'm going to have to remember that for the next time the lag tries to kill me.
