25 May 2012

I should be able to screw this up..

I'm attempting to Port everyone today... wish me luck!


  1. I think that it went well!

    It took a really long time to get through the process (playing out Zeke's and Gwyn's LTW and Sebastian's promotion, selling off everything, figuring out how to pack everyone up, getting the new town ready, figuring out how to unpack everyone, getting the new house set up). I actually had to do some of it twice, by quitting and restarting the game (which takes forever), because I messed things up a couple of times.

    Plus, I still had to care for and entertain my kids and feed everyone! So it was pretty much an all day process, off and on.

    After everything, I didn't really have time to play but I'm pretty sure that the lag is gone!

    The only sad news is that I didn't get to bring Locke, babysitter of infamy. I couldn't figure out which household he was living in and finding out would have taken too long with as bad as the lag had gotten. Oh well, I should be able to find enough crazy in the new town to keep Ariel entertained.

    I still have several chapters lined up before the move will happen in the story. This is a super long generation and the lag made everything take forever!

    1. Yay,that sounds good :) Too bad you lost Locke though..

  2. I've done two ports, and I don't think I've ever gotten it right on the first try. The last time I did it, it took hours to figure out why the pack wasn't working -- it was those bodiless sims!

    I'm sooo glad it worked out! And most of all, I'm so glad that it solved the lag!

    I'm starting to get hit with pretty bad lag too. It's making me fantasize about moving to Elfland early, but I really don't want to do it until Gen 5 are teens, and they just became kids in current gameplay.

  3. Oh, yeah, but I'm sorry Locke didn't get to come! I guess he's a service sim and isn't in a household at all. Now that I think about it, I'm not even sure you can move service sims.

    I guess maybe use Add Sim from (I think) MasterController to add him to one of the households you're moving, then move him out to his own place when you got there. I know you can access Service Sims someplace in the MasterController menu -- "Type of Sim" I think?

    1. Oh! I'll have to try adding Locke in manually! I hadn't even thought of that.

      I'm actually pretty impressed with how well the Porter worked. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who didn't get it on the first try, though!

      I may have lost some of my ghosts, though. When I finally got back control of my family, there were only 2 headstones in inventory instead of 4. I'm not sure who's missing yet, though.

    2. Oh, and here's a neat trick you can do with Porter. You can port the same sims in multiple port files. So, for example, you could add Locke to the Hodgins household and then build a NEW port file with Hodgins+Locke, then unpack it in your new town. You'll get a prompt that asks if you want to purge duplicates or somesuch, and you say yes. This allows you to keep all the relationships between characters that would otherwise be erased by moving them in different port files, like any relationship that Ariel might have built with Locke, or at least the fact that she knows him.

      If you did it that way, you could also put the missing gravestones back in the family inventory.

      (Dude, I have spent WAY too much time working with Porter....)

  4. I know I'm a little slow on the uptake here, but I just gotta say I'm so glad that ya'll brought this up; I am having some of the same problems with one of my families and I know that sooner or later I'm going to have to suck it up and move them. This makes it a little easier anyway. :-)

    1. It was very intimidating, but actually worked quite well. And now sims aren't peeing all over the place!
